Photo Monitoring PKR 20,000 per day Capturing Issues, Activities, Impact and Sustainability. Documentaries PKR 20,000 per day Creative Ideas, Captivating Script, High Tech Equipment & Productions. Portraits - Photoshoots PKR 15,000 per shoot Building your powerful image... Stock Photos Starting from PKR 1,000 per photo Quality Images at your Desk... Photo Editing & Archiving Starting from PKR 25 per image Turning your photos into powerful Digital Library... Event Photography PKR 20,000 per day Creative Ideas, Captivating Script, High Tech Equipment & Productions. Photography Training Starting from PKR 25,000 per day Your Pathway to Success and Pro Photography. Product Shoot PKR 10,000 per shoot Show Casing your Products, Services and Skills. Photo Tours Subject to itinerary. Pictures speaks for themselves and enrich your ambiance.