I had the opportunity to visit the web page of INSEARCH. With great curiosity I opened the Photo-Albums and decided to spend few minutes. After more than couple of hours I discovered that I only scanned through few of the albums and most of them are yet to be opened. I was realizing that being a non-Pakistani, the history, culture, socio-economic conditions of people of different places of Pakistan were gradually becoming evident to me. I started feeling that I was coming to know a country that I did not know before. The subjects of the photographs were very critically picked. Each and every photograph appears to the viewer with certain message, which the viewer just cannot pass by without reading thoroughly. Young photographer Tahir Saleem is not simply a photographer, he knows his subjects very well, and he loves his subjects equally. The huge number of albums in the folder demonstrates that except the war photography, nothing in Pakistan and nothing about Pakistan has been left out in his albums. He took the pain of travelling to every corner of Pakistan. I am sure Tahir, you will go a long way. There is a bright future waiting for you.
Muhammad Jamal ud Din