Usman Qazi

I chanced upon Tahir’s photography page and it was like the opening of a treasure cave by Ali Baba. Each of his albums have captured the most fascinating images of the beauty of people, places, animals and landscapes of Pakistan with a most unique angle. I had to force myself away from the page for […]

Saleema Munir

Tahir is an inspiring photographer. His shots unveil the hidden beauty of natural wonders and cultural colors of Pakistan. Many of us cannot get an opportunities to visit these sites, benefit from his photographic and unique sense of capturing meaningful and informative moments, events and places.

Naghma Qazi

It is really beautiful work. It is impossible for me to find right words of appreciation for his every piece of his work. This what we call a real talent of Pakistan which the world must know. Hats off to Tahir. I feel that I shall steal few pictures and frame it for my house.

Farouq Muhammad

Tahir captures the nature even we can smell the fragrance of flowers. His clicks preserve the surroundings and make viewers feel as present on spot. His photography gives a unique feeling as we are behind the camera. Photography indoor or outdoor both way have maximum outreach to attract to picture. His pixels of camera very […]

Fahad Hasan Afridi

I have seen Tahir’s photography and it shows different colors and variations of life. I admire his sense of capturing the essence of the events which very few will even notice. I wish him luck and great progress in his future endeavors.

Azhar Qureshi

I know Mr. Tahir Saleem as an artist, a nature lover and a passionate film-maker and photographer since about last two decades. His love to this profession gradually evolved over the years. With this evolutionary process, Tahir’s film-making and photographic skills continued to improve that now I feel have reached to par excellence. While reviewing […]