I know Mr. Tahir Saleem as an artist, a nature lover and a passionate film-maker and photographer since about last two decades. His love to this profession gradually evolved over the years. With this evolutionary process, Tahir’s film-making and photographic skills continued to improve that now I feel have reached to par excellence. While reviewing his piece of artistic work in the form of different albums compiled by him demonstrates the level of his commitment and dedication to this profession and a sojourn towards a new world of ideas and landscapes generating ones interest in conservation of forests, wildlife, mountains, glaciers, water, atmosphere, land, technology and human resources. Looking at his piece of work gives me an impression of a revelation rich in aesthetic value and eternal romance with nature. One can find each album with a creative blend of diversity and uniqueness with the inspiration of a super highway leading towards eternity of nature with ones love to conserve the global commons. in the ever evolving universe. Wishing him more success in his profession and the ongoing endeavors to make a difference in the domain of arts, music and photography.
Azhar Qureshi